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Sureify is developing LifetimeSERVICE, a white-label all-in-one web app for life insurance policyholders, allowing them to seamlessly view and manage their policies.

I led this workflow project from knowing nothing about life insurance and loans to creating a simple user experience within a month, adding significant value to this 0 β†’ 1 product, contributing in contracting with an anchor customer, with the MVP scheduled for release this year.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ Self-service at fingertips Modernizing insurance management experience that policyholders expect today would significantly reduce the time and cost transactions take, increase customer satisfaction, and lower carriers’ expenses.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ Expanded the design system Components created from this project were utilized in other user workflows within the app. Using a modular design approach, we built the MVP from ideation to a stable build in less than 12 months.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ 150k policyholders Added significant value to this 0 β†’1 product. Led to a contract for this product and our API product with an anchor customer, with the MVP scheduled for release this year.



Modern policyholders are expecting instant, highly accessible, and 24/7 available service from their carriers.

Historically, service transactions have relied on agents and paper forms, causing significant issues in efficiency and user experience. Therefore, we are building LifetimeSERVICE to enable policyholders to view and modify information and take actions on their policies digitally.

Common transactions in managing an insurance policy include changing an address, making a payment, and more complex actions like taking a loan.

<aside> 🎯 Our goal for this project is to digitize the process for users to take a loan or withdrawal from their life insurance.



I knew nothing about life insurance or how a loan works.

With no first-hand experience and limited resources, I needed to learn domain knowledge to understand the user journey as much as possible. At this point, I wasn't even sure what I needed to know.

After asking our PM a ton of questions, I was directed to the best resource in the company: our SME (Subject Matter Expert).

Together, we covered:

To make our sessions more efficient and well used, I did extensive secondary research online to fill in the gaps of knowledge and prepared related questions.

To make our sessions more efficient and well used, I did extensive secondary research online to fill in the gaps of knowledge and prepared related questions.


Like filing taxes, completing the loan request form can be overwhelming.