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LifetimeENGAGE is a white-label mobile app that fosters and maintains the relationship between life insurance carriers and consumers. It provides a set of health and life planning features, with a reward program to motivate users.

As a user engagement app, its engagement rate is decreasing.

With major issues identified through user research, I led cross-functional teams in redefining the product vision and strategy, exploring solutions, and executing an app overhaul.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ LifetimeENGAGE 2.0 Laid the groundwork for a functional product with a unified strategy, adding significant value to the app, fosters meaningful user engagement.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ Contract renewal Secured buy-in from our anchor client on this initiative, leading to a successful contract renewal with them.


<aside> πŸŽ‰ Feature backlog for Eng and Sales Feature designs ready for development and for Sales to showcase to prospective clients.



Unsatisfying UX β†’ unsatisfying user engagement

To gain comprehensive user feedback on the app’s experience, I led in-depth user research with users of the client’s branded app.


Product problems uncovered from research insights:

<aside> πŸ˜• Lack of unified strategy The app has been built with a lack of unified strategy, leading to a collection of weak features with unclear purposes.


<aside> πŸ˜• Cluttered navigation Navigation gets ineffective after app updates - cluttered Dashboard & hamburger menu.


<aside> πŸ˜• Outdated UI The app UI is outdated, inconsistent and confusing.


<aside> πŸ˜• Unscalable reward system The reward system becomes unscalable within the carrier's budget as the app gains more users, and the features are overly incentive-driven.



Drive alignment of product vision and strategy with XFN teams